More Fun with Docker Tooling

I continue to enjoy using Docker to encapsulate developer tooling so that it doesn’t pollute my laptop with varying versions of software I don’t use regularly. (See Jonathan Bergknoff’s Run More Stuff in Docker and Andrew Welch’s Docker for all the things for further justification.)

In addition to using Andrew Welch’s vitejs-docker-dev project for Javascript development, I converted a couple of my personal projects to use a Dockerfile. I have submitted PRs to the upstream repo’s to incorporate the Dockerfile – we’ll see if they are accepted.

TL;DR Using a Docker container for these tools doesn’t really get in the way. Startup may be slightly slower (adding a second or so), but otherwise these tools run plenty fast. Plus, Docker eliminates a whole raft of hassles getting the software installed, and maintaining it across OS upgrades (say, on my laptop). I’m content.

Update: I am now contributing to the PRQL project. They have a highly-developed Docker container that encapsulates the build tools which mean that all the versions of Rust, Javascript, and other tools are isolated from my host operating system.

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