Switching to Wordland for posts…

I am switching my blogging to use Wordland.social. I formerly used the standard WordPress editor (Classic, then Block), but they always felt klunky and slightly overwhelming. The process of logging into WordPress, then editing with those tools was enough of a drag that I didn't bother to post as much as I could.

Instead, I now just go to the Wordland.social page (it remembers my WordPress.com credentials), type a quick note (like this one) and send it to any of my several WordPress sites. It gets posted immediately, no fuss, no muss.

Wordland satisfies most of my blogging needs – text, highlighting, links. If I do need to do more involved edits, the full power of the WordPress Block Editor is always available because Wordland uses the same API so the posts are compatible.

Best of all, Wordland enables my (bad?) habit of re-editing posts. It lets me select an earlier post, tweak the wording, and repost. Thanks, Scripting!

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