Category Archives: Life


In addition to using ChatGPT for the Wifi-heatmapper project, I have also been having fun reading Simon Willison's blog, especially his Here's how I use LLMs to help me write code post.

More on wifi-heatmapper

I posted before about the wifi-heatmapper project. I have been working on it to tune up the user interface and make its display a bit easier to understand. My PR is at:

Switching to Wordland for posts…

I am switching my blogging to use I formerly used the standard WordPress editor (Classic, then Block), but they always felt klunky and slightly overwhelming. The process of logging into WordPress, then editing with those tools was enough of a drag that I didn't bother to post as much as I could. Instead, I now

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Making Local Speed Tests

There are lots of good Internet speed tests, such as Waveform, Cloudflare, or Unfortunately, these mix your ISP's performance with your local router/network so it's hard to tease out whether problems are local or remote. The Crusader network speed and latency test does a remarkably good job of measuring the performance of your local

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VSee Network Stability Test

A while back, I saw a project called zoomready that I thought might be a useful tool for watching a network connection (even though it was Win-only, and I'm a Mac fan), but I now see it's deprecated. I'm not disappointed – I have found a web-based tool that seems to do a similar thing:

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Playing with WiFi heatmaps

I’m often called upon by my neighbors to troubleshoot their crummy network connections. I already have good advice for solving bad latency caused by bufferbloat but I also hear, “My network connection is weak”, and I would like a nice tool to give me a visual sense of the facts on the ground. I looked

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Testing out Wordland

I'm checking out Wordland. Let's see if this actually posts to my Random Neurons Firing site… Hokey pokey! It did! This is very cool. It seems to hit all the important points of Should this be a header? Nope, doesn't seem to work yet Bold, Italic, H4 (?) Lists, too… a b c aardvark

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